Looking for Sean McLachlan? He mostly hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog these days, but feel free to nose around this blog for some fun older posts!

You can also find him on his Twitter feed and Facebook page.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

I'm On Facebook!

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days but last Friday I got the page proofs for Outlaw Tales of Missouri and I've been busy going through them. It goes to press next month and should be available by March. Page proofs are the last chance to catch any errors before going to press, so I've been reading them carefully.

I've also been slacking off with that great 21st century timewaster--Facebook. You can find me at Sean McLachlan, Network: Spain. There's a tool that you can use to invite everyone on your email account's address list but I'm not going to use it. You have to give them your password! They say they don't sell your name to mailing lists and automatically delete your password. I'm sorry, but I simply don't believe that. If I haven't added you (or don't know you) feel free to send a friend request. This is probably the only way that my Arizona, Missouri, London, and Madrid circles of friends are ever going to meet.


Ana said...

now i regret having used that tool...i guess i should change my email pass, pronto :|

btw, ive been against such social utilities like Facebook, MySpace, Hi5 and such...i registered at FB simply coz a friend had posted pictures from her b-day on which i was as well, and the only way i could have seen them was to have an account...the rest is a story of itself...but if it wasnt for FB i would have had no idea what half the people i know from Uni, are doing in their lives...so i admit even though i dont like such sites, im thankful i registered at this one...makes me feel closer to people (yeah, scary to say this) and frankly its not so fancy as MySpace or Hi5 with all those gadgets and glitter...so its bearable :)
if you dont mind, ill look up for you later...:)

Sean McLachlan said...

Well, I have no evidence that Facebook misuses email account information, but they have every reason to and we have no real way of checking. Maybe they don't, but I tend to distrust large organizations in general, and large corporations in particular.
Please do look me up!